Gaining More Strength and Why It Matters — Peter Scwarz


So, your CrossFit experience has started recently…

After mastering an obvious first step in any cross fitters experience – the hard dieting, you are probably ready for step 2. We know how exhausting it was, drinking all these “Gluten Free Protein Shakes” and all the organic food for clean eat you could have possibly found…Next step is to jump on back squats train and be inside the “cool crew” of your fitness club, eh?

But now you will have to brace yourself for high loads. Like “Smolov” or “High Performance” 225lb back squats….Because just simply wearing a hip t-shirt with “No pain, no gain” inscription is NOT enough to be a pro…

You are still a noob!

Energy Gone: Deadlifts


Continuing my Deadlift related series of posts, today’s article will be about losing energy while doing sets of multiple-rep deadlifts.

I will elaborate on my professional tricks on how you can do deadlifts better. I will help you put all your energy into your lifts, rather than wasting them on unnecessary body movements.

Something I always like to tell my trainees at various levels…

The Dead Deadlift


Want to trade nice at Deadlift while also inputting as low energy and effort as possible?

Then the lockout (final stage of doing a deadlift) is the thing we need to focus on. Long story short, the bar needs to be kept as down to the ground as only viable, to lower pressure and energy waste. Let me explain what I mean by that.

Starting from the top down:

1. Strengthen and flex the mid-body, as if you are about to be punched in the stomach.

Beyond GPP: The New Model of Performance Training


“Movement training” may well be a slogan for fitness folks – be it a pro or an amateurish crossfitter. That means, exercise and health connexion get understood better and deeper. I understand this fact very well, as a former strength trainer. That is because movement and strength are the bedrocks for the fitness, health and crossfit community altogether.

Though I always felt it like something was still missing in this chain of training. I’ve personally tried different combinations of strength, high performance and other movement techniques to achieve a better overall result. So after all these experiments I’ve developed my very own mixed approach to high performance type of crossfit training.

5 Elements That Belong to Every Athlete’s Training Program


Working as a college coach, who trains hundreds of high schoolers each day in strength workouts – can be benefiting to crossfit perception.

As to a degree that I developed due to my best 5 techniques, I teach at high school.

Regardless of his or her sport activity, I focus constantly on 5 most universal and important workout movements.

These are on the list for a good reason and here is why…

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So, your CrossFit experience has started recently… After mastering an obvious first step in any cross fitters experience – the hard dieting, you are probably ready for step 2. We know how exhausting it was, drinking all these “Gluten Free Protein Shakes” and all the…

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After mastering an obvious first step in any cross fitters experience – the hard dieting, you are probably ready for step 2. We know how exhausting it was, drinking all these “Gluten Free Protein Shakes” and all the organic food for clean eat you could…