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Must-Have eCommerce Mobile App Features

Must-Have Features In A Successful eCommerce Mobile App

Are you building a new eCommerce store to help your business grow, or are you looking to improve the functionality of your existing store? Every e-commerce site needs specific components to remain relevant and competitive. So, in this article, we will discuss the 6 Must-Have eCommerce Mobile App Features. So keep reading.

According to Statista, the eCommerce market will cross $905 billion in revenue by the end of 2022. By 2025, the eCommerce software application market will exceed $1.2 billion.

Giant eCommerce enterprises are now focusing on improving the end-user experience on mobile devices by deploying cutting-edge mobile applications and establishing a robust technological infrastructure.

Modern software and apps with b2b eCommerce features can help your company increase sales, build a long-term audience base, and provide a competitive advantage in the retail marketplace.

The most difficult challenge for any eCommerce business is to stand out from the crowd with a stunning and interactive app that engages and retains buyers at every level. Keep in mind these six features during eCommerce mobile app development.

6 Must-Have eCommerce Mobile App Features

Table of Contents
1. Simple Registration Process

2. User-friendly Navigation

3. Promote Customization

4. Push Notifications

5. Wish List

6. Product Reviews

Adopting eCommerce features and functions that emphasize your company process is essential if you operate a business. The most well-liked features to include in your customer-focused mobile app are listed below.

1. Simple Registration Process

Today’s technology benefits the user. Everything should be straightforward to use. The number of clicks is crucial from the beginning to the end. As a result, it is critical to simplify the shopping and browsing experience and the onboarding and checkout experience for users.

What makes the first impression is onboarding. You can anticipate a 50% improvement in app retention with an efficient onboarding procedure. Besides this, a complex registration process will do nothing to help your business. Most customers dislike filling out lengthy registration forms or using a social login to sign up.

Moreover, people rarely prefer apps that require a lot of information upfront to register. You make your online shop more manageable and accessible by simplifying the onboarding process, which leads to more sales.

2. User-friendly Navigation

One of the most important aspects to consider when developing an eCommerce mobile app is the content and screen size. Your app should avoid a cramped look due to the limited space available.

As a result, creating a simple and uncluttered layout is critical. A responsive design is the best solution because it adapts to different screen sizes and resolutions while providing an immersive experience.

Besides this, the intuitive navigation system is key to helping customers find the products they need quickly. Products should be categorized logically, with the most popular categories listed first.

Some people look for products by brand, while others look for products by category. Their navigation bar reflects this organization, with quick links to low-cost and sale items.

3. Promote Customization

Personalization is an essential component of a successful mobile eCommerce app. Users who download a shopping app expect easy navigation and a pleasant shopping experience.

Making the user experience as engaging and interactive as possible is also critical. Your app should have key customizable features that align with the needs and preferences of your users, resulting in a strong relationship.

Besides this, your e-commerce sales can increase by 15% if your app makes suitable personalized recommendations for your users.

4. Push Notifications

The eCommerce mobile applications with the most downloads are the ones that include Push Notifications in their feature set. Push notifications are the most effective technique to turn visitors to your online business into subscribers.

Visitors can subscribe to receive push notifications about your most recent updates. Even when users aren’t using the app, you can customize their experience with push alerts thanks to powerful analytics. To take it to the next level, you can create different notifications for each market segment or even use advanced analytics.

To display a push notification on products users are interested in, you can retrieve users’ browsing and purchasing history.

5. Wish List

Millions of customers worldwide are browsing eCommerce stores in search of the products they desire. Users may browse online stores for ideas and goods to purchase someday or during a seasonal sale. This feature allows users to return to products they have previously viewed, liked, and considered purchasing.

A wish list is an anchor, keeping customers from purchasing and forgetting. It is an option if you want to order something later but want to remember a product or shop. If they sign up to receive email notifications, they may eventually be involved in marketing campaigns.

Every eCommerce app includes a cart where users can save the products they want. However, one significant limitation of the shopping cart is that users must purchase the entire cart when checking out. They must eventually let go of the products they wished to get later.

By including a wish list button in your mobile app, you can eliminate shopping cart abandonment while also fulfilling sales from customers who expressed interest.

6. Product Reviews

Product reviews and ratings are the most common type of user-generated content on eCommerce sites. This section of an eCommerce product page is critical for providing shoppers with social proof that a product will meet their needs. Good ratings are viewed as recommendations to increase the number of users.

Feedback benefits not only users but also the app owner. Whatever feedback you receive on your app can be used to help you improve it. Customers can rate and review products using this feature, which displays reviews below product descriptions and sponsored items.

Besides this, never underestimate the immense power of product reviews and ratings. You should encourage your customers to share their thoughts on your app and its products.


An eCommerce mobile app should strive to provide an immersive and one-of-a-kind experience that makes online shopping much easier and more seamless. Also, you can improve retention, engagement, and conversion rates by implementing the right features.

It’s simply a matter of listening to your customers’ feedback and keeping an eye on your competitors to see if new eCommerce trends emerge.

While you don’t have to test every new feature your eCommerce platform has to offer, you should examine the ones your customers have come to expect from the top retailers in your industry. I hope you like this article on the 6 Must-Have eCommerce Mobile App Features.

Author Bio:

Taimoor is a Content Writer working at Clustox, the leading Mobile App Development Company. He is HubSpot Content Marketing certified. He is enthusiastic about learning and educating people about technology. Also, he loves hiking. His hobbies include books and novels reading.

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