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Business Needs Responsive Website

9 Major Reasons Why Business Needs Responsive Website

Responsive website design is no longer a luxury but has become a necessity because of the rising number of smart devices being used for surfing as well as conducting sale and purchase transactions.

Enterprises are also increasingly looking towards easy to use platforms which can be used for building new business websites or for migrating old ones using agencies specializing in converting PSD to WordPress theme. Some of the major reasons business needs a responsive website are being presented here.

1. Target Large Number Of Mobile Users

Having a responsive website helps enterprises in targeting a large number of mobile device users who, as mentioned earlier are employing these devices to access the internet for undertaking all types of tasks. People are searching for products or services and on finding them ordering or subscribing by using smart gadgets and this makes it essential to have a website that can be easily rendered on all types of screen sizes without compromising on the user experience.

2. Provides Increased User Engagement

Bounce rate is an important factor affecting the performance of an interface and it can be kept at a minimum by investing in a responsive website. Once the interface loads easily irrespective of the device being used for the purpose and the visitor does not encounter any problems in navigating through it, he/she is bound to spend more time exploring it and on finding the experience fruitful will return in future. Increased user engagement is always going to be useful in improving the prospects of any business venture.

3. Improves The Conversion Rate

The primary objective of acquiring a website for any business is to widen its customer base and a mobile-friendly interface can prove to be valuable in this regard. As mentioned earlier, people are logging on with such gadgets not only for searches but also for buying and selling things and having a responsive interface improves the chances of converting visitors into users.

4. Helps In Better Search Rankings

One of the biggest reasons business needs responsive websites is that such interfaces have the ability to rank higher in search rankings. Google has also made it official that it looks at mobile friendliness as a factor for finalizing search results for smart device users. Even for SEO, such interfaces with single URL and code which can be easily crawled and indexed by Google are a much better option than two separate websites for desktops and smart device visitors.

5. Supports Economical Website Development

The cost involved in building an interface is another vital factor that has to be considered by entrepreneurs and investing in a responsive interface will be helpful in getting a website that can be deployed on any gadget with all functional features, at cheaper rates. This cost-effective option is much more preferable than investing in acquiring two separate versions of the same interface aimed at two different set of visitors.

6. Future Proofing Against New Gadgets

Responsive web development is a very effective solution for future proofing a business against the emergence of new gadgets in the future. This technique of website designing takes into consideration the screen size rather than the type of device being used for the purpose of accessing which means that irrespective of the dimensions of the screen of a future gadget, a website will render perfectly on it.

7. Easier Analytics And Reporting

Commercial organizations depend upon statistics to make informed business decisions and analytics of a website are a critical part of their strategy. A responsive interface ensures seamless tracking of user demographics, the multiple conversion paths, and other useful metrics and their reporting. It will also be simpler for an owner to conduct all the analysis at a single location rather than evaluating different sets of data generated by two separate versions.

8. Simpler Management And Maintenance

Business ventures, especially small-scale enterprises, and startups can also benefit from the resources saved while managing and maintaining a single interface as compared to looking after two different websites. There is no need to create separate strategies for SEO or Google Adwords campaign besides saving money which would have been required to pay for the maintenance of both versions.

9. Helpful In Accessing Social Media Users

Social media networks have also seen a rise in their user base with the profusion of smart devices and a responsive website with social sharing features will be helpful in accessing and targeting this formidable user-base. It is mandatory for all enterprises to formulate an effective strategy for having a presence on social networks which can be a profitable avenue for growing their business.


These are some of the major reasons business needs responsive websites and an entrepreneur must invest in a mobile-friendly interface in order to achieve their goals in as less time as possible.

About Author:

Brandon Graves is a digital marketing manager and WordPress expert working with HireWPGeeks, provides the services to Hire a WordPress developer. He masters the art of how to grow sales of products on the web. He keeps writing on tech-topics regularly. Follow him on Google plus to get more updates.

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