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7 Tips to Make Your eCommerce Website More Profitable

7 Tips to Make Your eCommerce Website More Profitable

If you wish to turn visitors of your website into customers, design a profitable eCommerce website. The key is to make the design of your website easier to navigate. Also, make the buying process stress-free and quick. Regardless of how impressive online advertisements are, not optimizing the website for sales can make you lose valuable customers.

Here are some eCommerce web design tips to help you get more conversions:

1. User Focused

Since an eCommerce website is supposed to serve your clients, it should be user focused. Each detail of your site should help your visitor or potential client to make a decision. Pay attention to everything from images of products to contact forms. Everything should help your client to make a purchase. User experience is of utmost importance in turning visitors into customers. This is also crucial to turning your customers into repeat customers.

Hiring a professional and experienced eCommerce website development company will help your website get good user experience. They will make efforts towards rating your website on various things such as navigational ease, visual appeal, usability, and overall satisfaction.

2. Simplicity is Important

It is important to use simple website design. Minimalist websites are usually rated as visually appealing and more reliable as compared to visually complex websites. So if you wish to optimize eCommerce web design for conversions, simplify the design. Remove all unnecessary information and use a minimalistic design theme that has a lot of white space.

3. View Cart Button

These days, most eCommerce websites have a tiny icon for a shopping cart on each page. This allows users to view items they have added to their cart. The visibility of this button visible will increase conversion rates. Also, make it stand out by using a bright color.

4. Honesty is the Best Policy

Being upfront about pricing is crucial. You don’ want your website visitors to feel that they are being tricked or deceived in any way. Make it easy for them to find pricing information on your website page. Also, make it easy to understand.

The shipping prices mentioned on your website should be clear. Revealing it later will lead to cart abandonment. Your customers should be able to see the total cost of a product.

5. High Quality photos

Since customers cannot see products in person, you need to be extra careful while displaying them on your site. Use only high-quality product images and videos on your site depending on the product you wish to sell. High-resolution photos can do justice to your sales. Avoid blurriness or pixelation. Use a feature that allows users to zoom in on a specific image and view fine details.

6. Include Testimonials and/or Reviews

Studies have revealed that 61 percent of online shoppers read reviews by past customers prior to making a decision on buying a product. You can exploit this strategy to your advantage. Simply include reviews and testimonials on your website. Customer reviews serve as the fastest way to promote sales and conversions. Try including product-specific reviews straight under the description of the product.

7. Filter Products

Making filters available will boost search features of your eCommerce site. Your users may get upset to know that the perfect pair of jeans the store has doesn’t carry their size. Once you allow users to filter your products, they can avoid the downside. Some of the most popular search filters may include:

– Color

– Size

– Brand

– Price

The filters are very helpful for users to search your website precisely for the product they want.

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