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Optimize Your Blogs

10 Ways to Search Engine Optimize Your Blogs

Blogging is a very important way of boosting your SEO results. There are two parts of blog optimization which are writing and then optimizing the content. Writing quality content is not the only factor which helps the websites rank but also how we organize our content in a way that the search engine we are working on ranks your website or content. Also, the content we write should be updated.

If you are writing a post now and mentioning statistics of one particular year, how will it help someone who reads it after few years? How your content or website ranks depends on how user-friendly your content is.
Some of the ways by which you can optimize your content are given below.

Keyword Research

Keywords are an important factor in optimizing your content. Short tail and long tail are the two types of keywords. Short tail keywords will have 2-3 words and long tail keywords will have more than 3 words. There is high competition for short tail keywords and less competition for long tail keywords.
There are different ways and tools to get the keywords related to your content and how much traffic it is bringing like Google Ad words Keyword Tool, Uber Suggest and many more.

Search Volumes of Keywords and using it in your content

Using keywords is important but it becomes relevant when the keywords have high search volume. Search volume is the amount or quantity of searches that occur for a keyword. Also, you should keep in mind the keyword density. It is the number of keywords that appear per 100 words and if this is too much then it is considered as spamming and the search engine de-ranks the blog.

You should not use your keywords in a way that feels unnatural or forced. Using long-tail keywords is more preferred because people usually search for long tail keywords and this will bring in a lot of traffic. For example, the technology institute will have less search volume and relevance than Rochester Institute of Technology.

Headers and Body

Your content should be well structured and organized. The main heading should be H1, the next subheading should be H2 and the content should following this heading structure. The size of the heading is based on the priority of that part in the whole content that you are writing. It is very good if you incorporate a keyword in your headings if it is relevant. For example, if your keyword is online Information Technology colleges, then you can add it to your heading.

The body should be divided into parts in order to make it user-friendly. If your content is well structured and user-friendly, your blog will eventually rank.

Title Tag and Meta Description

The title tag is what appears in the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). It is based on this title the users decide whether they should check out your blog. It should be relevant and using keywords in the title tag will help in ranking your blog.

In the case of Google, it cuts off the title after 60 characters. So, you make sure that you include all relevant information and keywords in the first 60 characters.

The meta-description is the summary of your blog or website that appears in the SERP. If people like the heading the next thing they look for is the meta-description. If this meta-description is relevant and good, then it will help increase the traffic and will help your blog to rank.

URL or Permalink

The URL is the address of a World Wide Web page and is also something which the search engines look for, in order to know what our content is. Including keywords in the URL is a good way to rank up in the SERP. If the URL is too long then the page will not get loaded or it will take a lot of time to load.

Images and Alt Texts

When given the option of reading a blog with and without pictures, most of the people will choose to read the blog with pictures. Images are attractive to people but for Google, it reads it as a text. Is a text named “Image11007” better or a text named, “an-image-of-two-friends” better?
An Alt text is an attribute that can be added to an image tag in HTML.  

Inbound and Outbound Links

Inbound linking is nothing but giving links of your own blogs or websites in your page. You can give the link to your past blogs or any other content. This will keep the users engaged in your page and will also help in surfacing the relevant content in your blogs.

Outbound links are links of other websites in your page and vice versa. If the website of which you are giving the link likes your content, then they might give a link of your blog in their website or if other websites find your content useful and relevant they might just give a link of your blog in their page. It may also increase the domain authority of the website that is giving links to the blog.

Site Speed

Nobody wants to wait too long. If your page doesn’t load quickly, the bounce rate will increase and eventually the page will de-rank. If your page takes more than 4 seconds to load, then it is not considered as user-friendly.

The reason why your page takes a long time to open may be the low-speed internet connection, traffic volume, file types, browser or any other factors. Google’s page speed tool helps give advice on how to improve your page time load.

Mobile-Friendly Blogs

A lot of people now use smartphones. They access a lot of information through their mobile phones and they might just avoid the pages which are not mobile-friendly and hence will not help in building credibility. This creates a bad impression and a search engine like Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites. Websites which are not mobile-friendly are found to de-rank.

Sharing through Social Media

Social media plays an important role in our lives. Almost everyone uses social media and it has become a great medium of marketing and promotion. It will also help in making connections with potential customers. Social media will increase the visibility of your content and indirectly help you in ranking your page.


Blogging is one of the powerful and important tools for SEO. As your website grows, your content should also be more optimized. By following these simple ways, you can rank higher in SERPs, increase traffic, and help increase domain authority. Once you understand the goals and expectations of your audience, you will be able to deliver optimized quality content.

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