Home / Free / 7 Best Free Article Rewriter Tools In 2024
Free Article Rewriter Tools

7 Best Free Article Rewriter Tools In 2024

Are you looking for the best free article rewriter tools in 2024? If so, then keep reading this blog post.

As we all know, content is king because you must have engaging and unique content to generate traffic and attract more visitors. Therefore, Bloggers or content writers need to upload fresh content regularly for high customer engagement. However, many bloggers intentionally or unintentionally use plagiarised content. Using this content not only ruins sites’ SEO but also reduces the value of original content.

Besides plagiarism, creating high-quality, unique content requires lots of time and hard work, and it is hard for many bloggers and writers. However, they do not have to worry anymore about this problem. There are lots of article rewriter tools out there that can help you generate plagiarism-free, unique content in no time.

In this article, we have listed the seven best free article rewriter tools that you can use for article rewriting entirely free of cost.

Table of Contents:

1. Prepostseo Article Rewriter Tool

2. Spinbot Article Rewriter Tool

3. SEO Wagon

4. The Article Rewriter Tool

5. SmallSEOTools

6. Rewriter Guru

7. Duplichecker


1. Prepostseo Article Rewriter Tool

Prepostseo Article Rewriter Tool

The Prepostseo article rewriter is a powerful rewriter tool that helps users generate plagiarism-free content. This powerful tool scans the given file or content, and after that, it edits the content to make it entirely fresh without changing its meaning. The Prepostseo article rewriter tool uses advanced algorithms to replace significant words with their synonyms without affecting the sentence’s meaning.

Furthermore, this free article rewriter tool has no limit on rewriting. In Prepostseo article rewriter, you can upload a file from a computer, drive, and cloud or directly type the content on its interface to rewrite it. In addition to this Prepostseo article, rewriter supports multiple file formats such as .txt, .doc, and .docx. and.pdf. It can also be integrated with other writing tools such as grammar checker, spelling corrector, plagiarism finder, etc.


2. Spinbot Article Rewriter Tool


Spinbot is a powerful, free, automatic article writer tool that will help you rewrite your desired file or content text into intelligent, readable content text with similar meanings. Just like the Prepostseo article rewriter tool, the Spinbot tool scans the given file or content text and then replaces significant terms from the text with their synonyms without changing the text meaning.

Furthermore, the Spinbot rewriter tool lets you rewrite the content up to 10,000 characters. In Spinbot article rewriter, you have to type or copy-paste the content text directly on its interface to rewrite it. In addition to this, the Spinbot article rewriter tool can integrate with other writing tools like grammar checker and spelling corrector.


3. SEO Wagon

SEO Wagon

SEO Wagon is another one of the best free rewriter tools. This powerful tool works by processing your desired file or content text, changing the significant words with their synonyms, and your entirely fresh and unique article is ready. SEO Wagon also has a rewrite suggestion option that lets you manually change the significant word during the rewriting phase.

Also, this free rewriter tool has no word limit on rewriting so that you can rewrite larger files with ease. In addition to this, the SEO Wagon rewriters’ interface can integrate with other tools like spelling and grammar checkers. To use this intriguing rewriter tool, you have to type or copy-paste the text straight on its interface.


4. The Article Rewriter Tool

Article Rewriter Tool

As the name suggests, the Article Rewriter Tool lets you create fresh, quality, readable content from the existing text. Like the other rewriter tools, it uses advanced algorithms to substitute significant terms with their equivalent meaning words. Furthermore, the Article Rewriter Tool gave you the option to leave specific or capitalized words.

In addition to this, the Article Rewriter Tool lets you rewrite the articles without worrying about the word limit. In short, you can rewrite larger files or content text hassle-free. Just like the Spinbot tool, you have to copy-paste or type the text directly on its interface. Furthermore, this powerful rewriter tool is also compatible with other spell and grammar checker writing tools.


5. SmallSEOTools – Article Rewriter Tool


SmallSEOTools is one of the popular article rewriter tools that helps users generate fresh, readable, plagiarism-free content. SmallSEOTools works by processing your text or file, replacing significant words with their equivalent terms, and making your unique article ready. This powerful tool also gives you the option to change the significant words in the text manually.

Furthermore, SmallSEOTools can integrate with other tools such as grammar checkers, grammar correctors, spell correctors, plagiarism checkers, etc. This powerful tool gives various options to rewrite your file. You can upload your file from the cloud or Dropbox, or you can directly type the text in the text box. It also gives you the option to drag and drop the file to the interface. You can rewrite up to 2000 words at a time with this tool.


6. Rewriter Guru

Rewriter Guru

Rewriter Guru is an AI-based rewriter tool that helps you rewrite plagiarism-free content in a matter of seconds. It is a powerful tool that offers seven different levels of rewriting. In the free version, you can choose any mode, from Smart spin to Ultra spin, or replace it manually. This rewriter tool scans your given file and then substitutes significant words from the text with their synonyms, giving you fresh, plagiarism-free text.

This powerful rewriter tool lets you rewrite articles up to 800 words at a time. In Rewriter Guru article rewriter, you can either upload a file from a computer or directly type or copy-paste the content on its interface to rewrite it. It can also integrate with other writing tools such as spelling corrector, plagiarism finder, grammar checker, etc.


7. Duplichecker

Paraphrasing Tool (Article Rewriter)

Duplichecker is another famous article rewriter tool. This powerful rewriter tool lets you generate fresh, plagiarism-free articles that are entirely free of cost. Duplichecker processes the given file or content text replaces significant terms from the text and gives you completely fresh articles without affecting their meaning.

In addition to this, Duplichecker offers various intriguing features such as speller checking, grammar checking, word counting, integration with writing tools, etc. You can rewrite up to 2000 words at a time with Duplichecker. To rewrite your article, you have two options: either upload your file from the computer or directly type text on its interface.



First of all, thanks for visiting Ventasoftware. I hope you like the article. As I mentioned above, there are lots of rewriter tools out there, and all of these almost have similar features; however, these tools have different algorithms and rewriting performances. You can try these best free article rewriter tools to create plagiarism-free content for your website or business.

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