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Creating Online Portfolio

Common Mistakes You Should Avoid When Creating Online Portfolio

Currently, it is common for a large number of professionals to decide to create a web page and share an online portfolio, often to Creating Online Portfolio or simply to keep up with the trends. As web developers, you work in a creative field, you know the power of images, shapes, and colors, so you know how important it is to have an online portfolio.

You can be Creating Online Portfolio easily by accessing a service like Behance or Carbonmade. On the other hand, having your own website can be an ideal solution because you have control over all the elements of your design. However, there are certain mistakes when Creating Online Portfolio that can be made, and not at the level of functionality or interface design, but small details that you can overlook. In this article, we mention the common mistakes when Creating Online Portfolio so that you can avoid them and optimize your portfolio.

Listing Too Many Projects On Portfolios

Despite what you might think, the fact that Creating Online Portfolio has a large number of jobs is not good. You are likely to find yourself in one of the two situations that we will describe below:

  • You have compiled all your projects since you started as a web developer. In this way, although you have a large number of projects, not all of them are good for your potential customers to see. You must admit, your initial projects are not as good as the current ones, it is normal because you have gained experience since your inception.
  • You consider a large number of projects as good and suitable to have a place in your portfolio. But when you analyze it, you realize that many of them are similar projects where you have not been able to demonstrate new skills or test certain recently learned knowledge.

In both cases, your online portfolio has too many projects. More than quantity, it is essential to evaluate quality. Choose only your best projects and avoid placing those that are similar. Each of the projects in your portfolio should highlight some skills or strengths you possess.

Not Properly Organizing Your Projects

Once you have decreased the number of projects that you are going to place in your portfolio, you must ensure that they are properly organized. Perhaps, as a web designer, you have a large number of web design and redesign projects, but in your spare time, you have dedicated yourself to creating logos, illustrating, creating typographic posters, etc.

It is likely that there are a number of projects of only one type, but it is positive to have a wide variety of other projects so that your potential clients recognize what other projects you can carry out. So organize your projects by categories or customers with whom you have worked with. If you decide on this second option, it is essential that you detail the type of project that you have carried out for each brand. That way, your visitors can directly select the type of project that most interests them. Also, add tags to your projects so that the visitor can search the respective bar and quickly find the projects based on the keyword.

Your Portfolio Looks Empty

If you have just started as a designer or have not had the opportunity to work with many clients, then your portfolio is likely to look empty. In these cases, it may be useful to carry out personal projects that you can include in your portfolio, but still, not all of your personal projects can be placed in your portfolio. Remember that you only have to place your best projects, whether custom or personal, so that your visitors have a closer idea about your potential.

A possible solution to this dilemma is to change the layout of the site. It is essential that you only choose the best projects, so to prevent your portfolio from looking empty, you can change the layout. This modification can really make a difference and even adding sliders to your photographs could be ideal for the visitor to focus on the quality of your projects and not on the quantity.

We know that on platforms like Behance or Dribbble, there is no possibility to change the layout in which the projects are shown, but if you have your own website, you should try it. You could really tell the difference (and your visitors too).

Not Including Project Descriptions

While it is true that placing high-quality images, mockups, and sketches of your projects allows the user to have a better idea of them, you should not ignore the text. It is necessary to describe the project, how long it was completed, under what concept was working, what was the process, references, and inspiration. Once you talk about these points, the visitor has a better idea of you on a professional level because he not only knows the final results but also your way of working. If you have worked as a team, you must clearly mention what your work has been and add the name of the other team members.

Not adding personal information

While much of your online portfolio will be composed of images, you should not forget the text. And we not only refer to the descriptions of your projects but also to add a brief autobiography.

It is common to add your curriculum vitae in some area of your portfolio so that your visitors and potential clients can see your skills, as well as your achievements at a professional level. It is important that your resume is correctly written with all the necessary information. But not only that is important, but you should also consider adding information about your interests or even the activities you do in your free time. In this way, the visitor has a more human image about you and in this way, they can connect with you. In addition, since you are unique, you convey a unique brand identity on your website that is finally positive to differentiate you from the rest and stand out from the competition.

In conclusion

As you can see, there are a number of common mistakes you can make when Creating Online Portfolio. Most of them are related to the images or projects that make up your portfolio, but as we have seen, the project descriptions and personal information are also considered.

Keep in mind that the online portfolio is not only for your potential clients to see a sample of your work, but also to get to know you a little more thoroughly through it. This objective should be transmitted in all the elements that are part of your portfolio, from the project images to the text that is placed on the call-to-action buttons.

Author Bio:

Harnil Oza is CEO of Hyperlink InfoSystem, a mobile app development company in New York and India, having a team of the top app developers who deliver the best mobile solutions mainly on Android and iOS platforms. He regularly contributes his knowledge on leading blogging sites.

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