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High-Quality Backlinks

Proven Ways To Get High-Quality Backlinks To Your WordPress Site

In this article, we will discuss proven ways to get high-quality backlinks to your WordPress website. So keep reading.

The WordPress content management system (CMS) has been on the market for more than 17 years. Since 2003, it has evolved from a simple blog publishing tool to a sophisticated open-source platform, capable of dealing with other types of web content, such as forums and online stores.

It is extremely popular: according to the recent survey by W3Techs, it is in first place with 40.5% of all web pages based on it and 64.5% held as a market share, with also renowned Shopify and Joomla being far beyond its position. The same is confirmed by Built Within its regularly updated analysis of CMS usage among Top 1 million websites: although numbers are different, WordPress occupies more than a third.

Content managers of thefoxmagazine.com think that WordPress is a revolutionary content management system, claiming that the total number of websites developed with it already exceeds 70 million. What attracts users most is not even the CMS itself, but its plugin architecture and template system which allow easy website customization to make it unique and differentiable.

How To Optimize Your WordPress Website With Backlinks

The huge popularity of WordPress chosen as a website core implies tough competition, so it is equally important not only to have a unique and distinguished design but also to smartly follow more general ways of search engine optimization. One of those is building a portfolio of backlinks by which other website visitors can find you.

Moz reminds us that WordPress architecture basically allows two types of content uploading: landing pages and blog posts. With effective building strategies to acquire high-quality backlinks, it is possible to optimize both. Let’s look at the main ways to do that.

1. Purchasing High-Quality Backlinks

If your organization’s SEO budget allows, the easiest approach is simply to buy backlinks from $9. Doing that the commercial way (ideally) implies a quality of what you will get. Sophisticated backlink building services give users enough freedom to choose among backlinks with high domain authority, at the same time relevant to your website’s target audience and/or your company’s products.

It is like a service-on-demand. Purchasing high-quality backlinks for your WordPress website has a number of benefits, which together may exceed the costs:

  • Time-saving,
  • Easy tracking of important factors, such as backlink indexation and page ranks,
  • Comparing the number of backlinks in your portfolio with your competitors’.

2. Listicles As The Best Way To Present Yourself

We’ve seen how, but when it comes to where, the most desired place for backlinks are listicles. Those are web pages with great indexation, containing a number of enumerated facts, recommendations, etc.

Those could be commercial brands as well – in that case, you will see something like “Top 10 CMSs For Your Website” as the name. If your competitors are already there, why are you not? Think of the main benefits:

  • Excellent marketing tool: advertising your goods and services to the audience directly interested in a product type of your specialization,
  • High indexation of listicles greatly increases your rankings,
  • Being able to differentiate among competitors, although this also depends on the writer’s subjective preferences.

The hard part is that effective outreach is needed here because of intense competition: other market participants also want to be here. You have to be very convincing in proving to blog post writers there are good reasons for you to be on the list.

3. Harnessing Digitalization

It’s a bit strange to live in a digital era and not to utilize its full potential in building high-quality backlinks as well. There are many ways to do that, and digital PR is one of the most prominent ways to present yourself to potential customers.

The idea is simple, although building an extensive portfolio of backlinks requires a robust campaign. To an extent, there is much similarity with job interviews, with the difference being that here you need to find blog post writers’ loyalty. They are the ones who will later refer to your organization as a source of information used by them in an industry overview or else.

Pluses are great:

  • Being mentioned in the most popular articles which are relevant to your industry,
  • Gaining reputation with every new mentioning: even if people don’t know you yet, the main fact that your opinion matters does the psychological trick.

Similar to the previous case, a digital PR campaign requires advanced communication skills to be effective.

How To Make Your WordPress Website Excel

With such a variety of WordPress websites, there is the opposite side of what you get: it is all about web competition to deal with in our digital era of e-commerce. Web competition has its own laws to comply with. And it isn’t only about offering the same for a lower price, or of better quality for the same price.

Backlink building is one of the most effective instruments for outplaying your competitors if you play smart. Three main ways of doing that which we broke down today are:

  1. Planning a digital PR campaign,
  2. Choosing listicles for placement of backlinks
  3. Paying third parties for the service you need.

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