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Write For Us

Write For Us – WordPress | Digital Marketing | Web Development | Technology | Product Promotional Review

Venta Software accepts various types of technology and business-related guest posts. So, if you have posts for us, Here- [email protected],  you can reach us!

What Type of guest Posts article you can offer?

If you have well-written posts related to the topics listed below, you can Write For Us Guest Posts.

  • WordPress: We accept completely fresh & 100%original guest posts on all WordPress-related topics like WordPress Themes, Plugins, tutorials, hosting, etc. Also, your posts should contain details that have come through dependable sources.
  • Digital Marketing: You can also guest post Digital marketing articles that can help our readers in their pursuit of a flawless digital marketing strategy or campaign. These articles should be in Facts, Tricks, Tips, and guide style format.
  • Web Design: We can guest post all kinds of web design trends, news, updates, tips, useful guides, etc., for you!
  • Technology: We accept any post-related Technology, Tech Update, and Leading creative and Innovational fields such as Smart Phones, Laptops, Interior Design, Data Fabrication, Programming Language, etc.
  • Product Promotional Review: We also accept Promotional and product review posts, but the post must fall under above mention categories. If you have other non-related posts, you can contact us for more details!
  • eCommerce: All kinds of eCommerce-related topics like eCommerce Themes, Plugins, tutorials, informative guides, etc., are accepted at Venta software.

Terms & Conditions for Guest Posts Approval

  • Content should be unique and original, as well as engaging and capable of creating interest in readers.
  • The Post must be 100% Plagiarism free and has to pass the premium plagiarism checks.
  • The Post should have a minimum of 700 words.
  • The post should be in a well-structured format. And you have to add all necessary elements like headings, subheadings, numbered or marked lists, tables, images, etc., if required. Also, Images should be CC0, high-quality full-size images.
  • The submission should include a meta description tag and 1-2 sentences (150 to 160 characters) that summarize the content.
  • Be sure to add a brief author bio with his expertise to persuade readers why his thought on the topic should matter.
  • Once your article is accepted and published, we are free to do necessary changes as required or can share it anywhere. Also, you are NOT allowed to publish this post anywhere else, we get the copyright owner of it.
  • The article should have only a single no-follow link. (the link must contain an anchor no naked links are acceptable. )
  • We don’t receive posts that are already posted on our site. So, please check your guest post title on our blog page before submitting us.

For further queries, Contact us on-

Mail ID: [email protected]