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Free Admin Dashboard Templates

25 Best Free Admin Dashboard Templates 2024

Making a professional watching dashboard on your internet site or app needn’t be high-priced. Due to this collection of the quality Free Admin Dashboard Templates, you will have to be capable to find a suitable person interface (UI) toolkit on your project.

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Adminator is a responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template. It provides you with a collection of ready to use code snippets and utilities, custom pages, a collection of applications and some useful widgets.


Gentelella Alela!

Gentelella Alela!

Gentelella Alela! is free to use Bootstrap admin template. This template uses the default Bootstrap 3 styles along with a variety of powerful jQuery plugins and tools to create a powerful framework for creating admin panels or back-end dashboards.




This is Vuestic Admin Dashboard Template
It is Responsive admin dashboard template built with Vue.js and Bootstrap 4. Developed by Epicmax. Designed by Vasili Savitski.




Sufee is a responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template. It provides you with a collection of ready to use code snippets and utilities, custom pages, a collection of applications and some useful widgets.




Metis is a simple yet powerful free Bootstrap admin dashboard template that you can feel free to use for any app, service, software or anything else. Feel free to share and fork it.




AdminLTE — is a fully responsive admin template. Based on Bootstrap 3 framework. Highly customizable and easy to use. Fits many screen resolutions from small mobile devices to large desktops.




Matrix Admin Free HTML Dashboard Template!
It is Responsive Admin Template with Clean, Minimal and Metro design. You will find too many options with this theme.




AdminWrap Lite is a carefully handcrafted lively admin template of 2018. It is built with the modular design. AdminWrap Lite is completely free to download and use for your personal projects.


Monster Angular

Monster Angular

Monster Angular Admin Lite is carefully handcrafted sober admin template of 2018. Its awesome and clean design with great colors will amaze your eyes in no time. It includes lots of awesome features.




MaterialPro Admin Lite is a carefully handcrafted sober admin template. It is built with Google material design. MaterialPro Admin Lite is completely free to download and use for your personal projects.




Lumino is fully responsive, built using modern HTML5, and includes everything you need for your backend administration panel.


Ample Admin

Ample Admin

This is Ample Admin Lite – Free Dashboard Admin Template!
Ample Admin Lite is carefully handcrafted dashboard admin template. Its awesome and clean design will amaze your eyes in no time. Ample Admin Lite is completely free to download and use for your personal projects.


Pixel Admin

Pixel Admin

Pixel Admin Lite is a carefully handcrafted sober admin template. Its awesome and clean design with unique colors will amaze your eyes in no time.




CoreUI is an MIT licensed open source project and completely free to use. However, the amount of effort needed to maintain and develop new features for the project is not sustainable without proper financial backing.


Clean Dashboard

Clean Dashboard

This application is javascript/CSS/html5 package of additional features placed on top of the twitter bootstrap libraries. To use, either compile the fewer files or use the existing CSS file.




PaperAdmin is a bootstrap single page dashboard developed using Angular JS 4. PaperAdmin features built-in components to make dashboard development easy. It features custom components such as calendars, list views with CRUD(Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionality, pie charts with status and custom cards to display relevant information.




Basix is another free dashboard template powered by vuejs bootstrap4 framework. It has 60+ widget to serve your all kind of purpose to build a dashboard. As it is powered by facebooks front-end js framework view js the loading time is really like flash.




Bootstrap 4 Material admin is a free Bootstrap 4 admin template. Its UI and design were inspired by Google’s Material design framework.




Klorofil is free Bootstrap admin template with the clean, modern and elegant look. Free doesn’t mean ugly and boring, Klorofil is designed and developed carefully to be a template that actually useful for you.




DesignBootstrap is free to use responsive admin dashboard template with all the features that you need. It can be used for personal and commercial use. There is no restriction because it comes under MIT license which allows its use for commercial and personal projects.




DashGum is a simple and elegant admin panel. It comes with 15 pages to start your panel as soon as possible.
With DashGum you have charts, tables, a lot of panels, calendars, notifications, to do lists and more. Grab our free theme and enjoy it.


Binary admin

Binary admin

Binary Admin is 100% free for personal & commercial use under MIT license. You can use this template for your project free of cost or for commercial purpose.


Hubuntu UI

Hubuntu UI

Hubuntu UI is a Material Ubuntu style, very basic, starter template for admin dashboards (materialize.css).




Root is the fastest way to build an admin panel or dashboard for any platform, browser or device.




MIMIN is a fully responsive admin template. Based on Bootstrap 3 framework. modern design and full animation.


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