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Open Sourced Templates vs. Paid Templates | Which is Better?

Finding ways to keep down costs is something that most people do. It can therefore explain why some will opt for an open-source template instead of the paid ones. You may even be using a few in your day-to-day business. However, there are pros and cons to each option. Our article will look at Open Sourced Templates vs Paid Templates. In the end, we will let you know which one we feel is the better option.


Understanding Open Sourced Templates vs Paid Templates


Open source refers to any software or templates that the developers make accessible to the public. It is free, and the users can modify or even distribute as they see fit. Your WordPress platform is one such example. You have the option of improving the functionalities with the right themes and plugins. You also have the freedom to adapt it to whatever use you have for it.

The main advantage of open source is the community support. Developers and users come together to share ideas on how to make it better. There is a free flow of ideas and information, which further enhances the functionalities of the product.

Paid Templates

To get access to paid templates, you must pay for them. The developer specifically comes up with the product for you. Once you purchase it, you can customize it as you wish. Take the example of the Venn diagram template below.

Open Sourced Templates vs Paid Templates

Business professionals can use such without having to start from scratch. It allows for simple customization, without worrying that you will see the same on someone else’s presentation.

Pros and Cons of Open Sourced Templates vs Paid Templates

Why would you want to spend money if you can take advantage of the open-source templates? Here are some arguments as to why you would.

1. Cost-Saving Aspect

Cost-saving may perhaps be the strongest argument in favor of open source templates. You use what is already existing. The developer will not need to spend time coming up with a product for you. The only thing they will need to do is make the relevant modifications.

In this way, you can customize as per your preference. It significantly drives down the cost of your projects. Proprietary licenses are expensive, keeping them out of the reach of individuals and start-ups.

2. It Increases Efficiency by Cutting Down On Time

Coming up with products can be time-consuming. There is a lot that goes into developing templates or software. Using what is already available helps with efficiency. A web design template, for example, allows you to launch a website within a matter of days. You do not have to wait for weeks and months on end for developers to come up with custom-made templates.

3. Constant Updates and Improvements

As we have stated, open source templates use community support. There is a constant improvement to products from the members. You get to enjoy the latest updates without having to spend. By taking feedback from the community, you can avoid making mistakes when choosing templates.

Arguments against the Use of Open-Source Templates

1. You Will Not Have A Unique Product

Open source templates are available for everyone. You do not get any significantly differentiating factors. Even with modifications, the core aspects are still the same. You could find the same template in use in so many different places.

It is also important to note that finding the right open source products can be difficult. The quality of what you get may not always be up to standard. Some of the developers may just be starting and may lack the relevant skills set. So, before you sign up for any, do your research and due diligence.

2. You Do Not Have Too Much Leeway with Design and Modifications

With open-source, you must stick within specific parameters as per the restrictions put in place by the developers. It could impact the functionality you get out of the template. With paid templates, this is not an issue. You can customize the template as you wish because you own it.

3. Security

Open source templates may expose you to specific vulnerabilities. Malicious people can write damaging code that ends up compromising your security. It is essential to do research and read customer reviews before using them.

4. Product Developments

The pace of product developments and updates can be a bit slow. Most of the work depends on developer goodwill. Prioritizing such projects may take a backseat. You will not have such a challenge if you go for paid templates. The developer must ensure project completion to keep customers happy.

5. Customer Support

With open-source templates, you depend on the community to help you anytime you have issues. Correspondence is usually in the forums or via email. You cannot be sure of a quick resolution, especially for the less popular products.

Paid templates have 24/7 customer support. You can reach the teams on multiple platforms like phone, email, chat, or even social media.

A focus on keeping customers happy is a key driving concern for the developer. You will most likely have an account manager to take care of you. You don’t have to worry about things like running updates because the developers will take care of you.

6. Cost Factor

You may not pay anything upfront. But, further down the line, you end up parting with some money. Some platforms have costs that will force you to pay for some of the more advanced features. Be clear about any hidden charges from the word go. It will save you from disappointment later on.

Other costs to consider are hiring a developer or designer to modify the template. Set-up, installation, training, and maintenance also contribute to the overall cost.

So Which Is The Better Option Between Open-Source vs. Paid Templates?

Open source provides a fantastic option if you do not have the budget for paid templates. You have a lot of flexibility in terms of customizations. The community continually rolls out updates and improvements. However, as we highlighted, it does have its own challenges. The products will not be unique to you. Customer support can also be a challenge if you face any issues. Eventually, it comes down to you as an individual to decide your better option.

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