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Application Quality Assurance

Ensure Optimal Working of Your Applications with Quality Assurance and Testing

Organizations utilize multiple applications and software for the smooth processing of their businesses but fail to ensure their testing and quality check. Application Quality Assurance(QA) refers to the activity to ensure that an organization is providing the best possible quality of product or service to serve its customers. There are certain quality standards that you can consider to check/verify the efficiency and effectiveness of software applications. QA team performs testing to uphold these standards.

An organization must undergo Quality Assurance to make sure that the product is designed and implemented with the correct procedures. Moreover, it helps reduce errors in the final product. Testing automation services have an important role for testing any kind of application.

QA team follows a set of steps to ensure that processes followed in the organization are evaluated and improved on a periodic basis. Those steps are as follows:

1. Plan: This includes planning and establishing the process-related objectives. Hence, determining the processes for delivering a high-quality end product.

2. Execute: Development and testing of operations and making changes in the processes.

3. Check: Monitor and modify the processes to ensure that they meet the predefined objectives.

4. Act: Implementing necessary actions to improve the flow of processes.

Best practices to consider for Quality Assurance:

  1. Constructing a robust testing environment.
  2. Applying automated testing to high-risk areas helps to fasten the entire quality assurance process.
  3. Intelligently selecting the release criteria for the product.
  4. Allocating proper time to carry out each process.
  5. Dedicate a security and performance testing team to perform their respective tasks.

Software Quality Assurance (SQA) ensures the quality of software related to the implementation of processes, procedures, and also standards. Execution of SQA to all the products for the organization’s development. Below listed are the benefits of application software testing:

1. Functionality

The software testing team validates the functioning of an application to ensure that it really facilitates the daily tasks of employees using it. This guarantees a smooth workflow, high user adoption rate, business continuity, and also the financial stability of the business.

Besides this, the testing team carries out regular regression testing to improve the existing functions of the application.

2. Integrations

All applications should support smooth and secure integration and also standardized file formats to form an integral IT environment. Testing engineers validate seamless communication between the application under test (AUT) and other enterprise software.

3. Performance

Closely monitor the application data transfer rate and response time under peak and a continuous load of users utilizing it simultaneously. This makes the application reliable and stable when it comes to business scaling up or peak load periods.

4. Security

The test engineers carry out security audits, vulnerability assessments, security scanning, penetration testing, and also other activities to make the application resistant to malware and cyberattacks. Also, they ensure the security of business-critical information effectively.

5. Usability

The application testing team examines information availability and arrangements of the application’s user interface elements like buttons, toolbars, etc. Testing an application’s usability helps to know that an application will provide a pleasant experience to its users. Also, it helps users to gradually get familiar with the application and integrate it into their existing work process.

Bottom Line

Quality Assurance is crucial to check whether the developed product is fit for use or not. Besides this, Organizations must employ professional application testing services to meet the standards and operations to be followed which need to be improved on a periodic basis. It focuses mainly on the quality of product/service that is being provided to the customers during or after delivery and implementation of software.

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